
Content + Design

Get stuff done: Introducing my new VIP Day Intensives

Published 3 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader,

Reader, as a subscriber, you know my pledge is never to promote my services or market myself through my newsletter. I aim to land in your inbox every other Wednesday with valuable, actionable information about content + design topics of interest to anyone who wants to improve on or plans to create a content-rich website.

This email is different.

I’d like to share with you a new service that I offer, for a flat rate fee, to anyone reluctant to start a larger project, who has budget restraints, or who already has a content/design/editorial to-do-list to tackle but hasn’t found the time to get it done.

I am thrilled to introduce three VIP Day Intensive packages.

These concentrated one-day sessions are tailored to maximize efficiency and achieve more in less time with super-charged, streamlined productivity without compromising quality.

Available VIP Packages

VIP WordPress Website Intensive: This one-day intensive will elevate your website’s design, content and functionality. It is ideal for swiftly and effectively revamping, improving, updating and maintaining your site.

VIP Editorial and Content Punch List: This package addresses all your editorial needs, from professional editing and proofreading to dynamic social media management.

VIP 2-Hour Deep Dive Site Audit: Gain insightful feedback on your website’s aesthetics, functionality and user experience, accompanied by actionable improvement recommendations, screenshots and a video.

Why Choose VIP Day Intensives?

Efficiency: Achieve substantial progress on your to-do list in a condensed timeframe.

Expertise: Leverage two decades of my industry experience to enhance your content and design strategies in one quick go.

Cost-Effectiveness: With a flat rate fee, you’re assured clear, tangible outcomes without additional costs.

Ease of Mind: VIP Day Intensives ensure you achieve significant results in one day without disrupting your workflow.

Let me do the work that has piled up for you.

Head over to my website for a detailed breakdown of each VIP Day Intensive and links to book yours:

Or we can chat about personalizing your VIP Day on a free consultation call. Schedule your call here:

The upcoming newsletters will return to their usual format: information for your DIY projects or your long-term planning, with no sales pitches.

Thanks for listening.

Tekla Szymanski
New York・Berlin

Content + Design

Tekla Szymanski

Without quality content, you don't have a website. Become a better sentient writer (and designer) in the digital world. Because every word counts.

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